Dr. Beth Foley



I have been a clinical psychologist for almost 20 years and the Jungian approach has been central to the way I work for over a decade. This involves working together to bring unconscious elements of the psyche into a more balanced relationship with conscious awareness in an effort to discover meaning, facilitate maturation of the personality and improve mental health. The therapy process with each person is different, honouring our individuality. Those wishing to make deeper life changes may be best suited to this style of therapy. A focus on relationships and the illumination of unconscious patterns are central to the way I work.

My PhD researched the therapeutic effectiveness of mindfulness-based therapies in psychiatric and oncology settings and resulted in a number of academic papers. I have lectured at Macquarie University on health psychology and existential issues over several years.

I completed analytical training with the CG Jung Institute of ANZSJA and am in private practice as a Jungian Analyst in Coffs Harbour. My clinic is open Tuesday-Friday, during school hours. Phone and Skype sessions are available for those who find it difficult to come in to the office.

In addition to analysis, individual and group supervision are available for health professionals.This supervision opportunity is particularly relevant for those wishing to develop skill in working with issues relating to identity, longer term repetitions and interpersonal issues. I bring a wealth of experience in assessment and case formulation. The importance of what the clinician contributes to the therapeutic process will also be thought about.Those wishing to learn more about acceptance based therapies and jungian analysis may be best suited to this opportunity.I am a qualified supervisor for counsellors, psychologists, clinical psychologists and other health professionals and researchers.

From time to time I will offer workshop training for therapists.The topics of recent workshops have been: Working with Narcissism, Transference & Countertransference, Boundary Testing and Working with Symbolic Material Including Dreams.Please contact me if you would like more information about the next workshop.

I am a fully qualified Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy and Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction teacher.I have provided extensive workshop, intensive retreat training and supervision to health professionals learning to teach mindfulness over the last two decades.I have managed and supervised over a dozen clinical trials of mindfulness and ACT interventions with various populations. Recent publications are listed below.


Dr. Beth Foley’s qualifications:

Professional Affiliations & Associations

Patrick Burnett is a member of the following Professional Affiliations & Associations:


Contact Dr. Beth Foley

Mobile: 0466 715 340